To all Berkley East staff, residents, families, and visitors!
Please be informed of our cumulative total of COVID-19 cases within the facility.
As of 01/19/2022, we have a cumulative total of 61 cases (mixed group of both staff and non-employees such as registry personnel and personal resident caregivers) and 6 resident cases (one who is no longer in the facility as of 12/28/2021 and 3 new admission who had community acquired COVID-19). As of this reporting date 01/19/2022, week of 01/17/2022, we have the following updates:
Total # of new COVID staff cases = 3
Total # of current staff working in the facility with confirmed COVID-19 = 0
Total # of new COVID-19 POSITIVE resident cases since the last update = 1
Total # of COVID resident cases currently in the facility = 2 (in 4th floor – red zone)
Total # of symptomatic STAFF (currently symptomatic in the facility) = 0 Total # of symptomatic RESIDENTS (currently symptomatic in the facility) = 0
Total # of symptomatic staff and residents with pending results = 0
Our most recent COVID-19 positive cases were in the facility between 01/14/2021 to 01/19/2021. Further information may be collected for contact tracing purposes. We ask that everyone continues to wear their masks or appropriately fitted respirators and eye protection, frequently perform hand hygiene and maintain social distancing at all times. Get vaccinated! Stay safe! Please see the most recent health officer order: https://publichealth.lacounty.
Below are mitigating actions implemented to prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases within the facility:
- COVID-19 Positive staff members are following CDC Guidelines for self-isolation and will not return until return to work criteria has been met.
- Conducting screening of all patients at least twice per shift by taking vital signs, including temperature, and closely monitoring for symptoms of respiratory illness; any suspected but asymptomatic patients will be evaluated more frequently if necessary.
- Conducting employee health screenings, including temperature checks prior to the start of each work shift and every four hours after. Employees have been instructed to self-monitor for symptoms of respiratory illness while off-duty and to immediately report any signs of fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath to the Infection Preventionist or Department Supervisor. Any employees who have tested positive will return to work only when they meet CDC and public health criteria to return to work
- All staff throughout the facility have been required to wear facemasks for the past several weeks and will continue to do so, as well as wearing other personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary and according to current guidelines. Staff providing care to any patients who may begin to show signs of infection will wear all required PPE in accordance with CDC and Public Health guidelines.
- Monitoring employee compliance with use of appropriate PPE and handwashing.
- Increased frequency of general cleaning throughout the facility.
We want to thank you for keeping our residents and our staff in your thoughts as we navigate through these challenging times together.
Thank You,
Kyle Whimpey
Berkley East Healthcare Center
(310) 829 – 5377 F: (310) 829 – 5378